The Executive Board shall consist of the Officers, standing committee chairs, Principal or designated Assistant Principal, Principal-appointed faculty member, and the Student Council President or his/her designee




The President: presides over meetings of the Organization and Executive Board, serves as the primary contact for the Principal, represents the Organization at meetings outside the Organization, and coordinate the work of all the officers and committees so that the purpose of the Organization is served.  The President shall serve as an ex-officio member of the Executive Board for one (1) year after his/her term as President expires.


President-Elect: Acts as aide to the president and performs the president duties in the absence or in- ability of the president. After serving one term, serves as President the next school year. Attend all Ex- ecutive Board meetings. Acts as the coordinator of standing committee chairs and is an ex-officio member of all committees.


Secretary: Keeps the minutes of the proceedings of the membership and executive committee. Conducts delegated correspondence and performs other assigned duties. Attend all Executive Board meetings.


The Treasurer: receives all money collected by the Organization, keeps an accurate record of receipts and expenditures, pays out funds only as authorized by the Organization, presents a financial report for approval at each monthly meeting with a copy to be appended to the minutes of each such meeting. Also responsible for preparation and submission of all Federal and State compliance filings including the annual tax return of the Organization, 1099s and Corporate Annual Report. The Treasurer shall not be an employee of Williamson County Schools.


Treasurer-Elect: Acts as aide to the treasurer and performs the treasurer’s duties in the absence or in- ability of the treasurer. Has access for all funds of the organization. Performs delegated duties as as- signed. After serving one term, serves as Treasurer the next school year. Attend all Executive Board meetings.




CLASS Committee is to create leaders and support all students.  The CLASS chair is a Junior class leader, with the Co-Chair a sophomore CLASS leader. Upon promotion, the Co-chair will assume the role of Chair. Each grade level will have a CLASS named for the graduation year. The CLASS chairs shall be responsible for organizing, staffing, overseeing, and coordinating CLASS groups for each Student Council class and assisting them in their endeavors. 


Communications Committee Chair will provide communication between the Organization, its members, and the community including social media, web design, newsletters and community publications.\


Fine Arts Committee Chair coordinates the efforts and needs of orchestra, choir and visual arts as a representative to the Executive Board.


Fundraising Committee Chair oversees fundraising activities of the Organization and coordinates documentation of profit/loss reports and donation trackers for each fundraiser. 


Hospitality Committee Chair coordinates and provides hospitality for various events throughout the year for faculty and special events as needed.


Membership Committee Chair coordinates the annual membership drive and maintains the membership database, comprehensive email distribution list, and assists the PTSO webmaster as needed.


Nominating Chair solicits and confirms nominations for the Executive Board for the upcoming year, through direct contact with potential nominees, that if elected those individuals are willing to serve in the capacities and for the specific terms of the office involved.


Student Recognition Committee Chair assists with awards events per the school administration.


Volunteer Committee Chair collects volunteer information throughout the school year and maintains a database of all volunteers and school needs and assists in staffing various activities with volunteers as needed throughout the year.


SCUBA's are Standing Committee's Using Bank Accounts. PTSO includes three SCUBA's: NAC, Band and Theatre Committee. The Chairs of the committees are appointed by the Athletic Director, Band Director, Theatre Director respectively. The leadership of the committee is then selected by the chair, with the approval of the director and when necessary, the leadership of the principal and PTSO president. The SCUBA Chairs sit on the Executive Board of the PTSO. 

Upcoming Events


12th Grade News

2025 SENIOR CLASS! PTSO will be collecting a one time "Senior Perk Fee" more information to come soon . This will pay for the SENIOR YARD SIGN, senior class t-shirt, senior perks, food treats, and more.



CLASS of 2024 Leads: 

Melissa Rossi and Katherine Paulus

11th Grade News

CLASS of 2026 Leads: 

Lissette Utz and Audrey Noe

10th Grade News

CLASS of 2027 Leads: 

Jillian Scott 

9th Grade News 

Parent Resources

NHS & WCS Key Words

Dates To Remember


All Knights

This is a reminder that student drivers must complete the Checkpoints seminar with their parents in order to obtain a parking pass and the privilege to drive to school.


Spirit Store & Special Purchases

Band Flag Subscription

Blue Crew Sign-Up

Sports Media Day

Game Day Shirts Package

Baseball Golf Scramble

Parent Connections

Pay NHS School Fees

WCS & NHS Tools & Information